Back-to-School Celebrations Planned!
The Tioga/Bradford County Housing Authority will be holding Back-to-School Celebrations for children currently residing in public housing who will be entering Kindergarten – twelfth grade this year. School supplies will be handed-out and lunch will be provided. Children who completed…
Authority Encourages Summer Reading
For the second consecutive year the Housing Authority is sponsoring a Summer Reading Program for children residing in public housing. “We want our children to be active during the summer but we also want them to remember how much fun…
Authority Continues Summer Fitness Tradition
For the third consecutive year the Tioga/Bradford County Housing Authority will offer its “Summer Kicks” Program for children residing in public housing. “This program has been a huge success and it continues to grow,” said Service Coordinator, Crystal Barnard. “We…
Authority Installs Message Boards
The Tioga County Housing Authority recently purchased message boards to be installed at each of their family housing sites. “This is an ideal way to make certain our tenants are aware of local events, happenings, and services that may be…
HUD Announces Smoke-Free Public Housing Final Rule
The secretary of HUD, Julian Castro recently announced that all public housing developments in the U.S. will now be required to be smoke-free environments for their residents. In 2011 our Authority adopted a smoke-free rule for all of our buildings…
Housing Authorities Awarded Grants
The Department of Housing and Urban Redevelopment recently announced that the Tioga and Bradford County Housing Authorities were awarded a combined $440,306.00 in Resident Opportunity and Self Sufficiency (ROSS) Grants for 2017-2020. “We are extremely thankful to be awarded these…
Children Enjoy Housing Authority Christmas Festivities
December 15, 2016, children residing in public housing in Elkland, Lawrenceville, Nelson and Westfield were treated to a Christmas party provided by the Tioga County Housing Authority. “We are so happy we can continue to provide such a nice event,”…
Canton Townhouses Christmas Party
Children and families residing in the Canton Townhouses attended an evening of Christmas fun on Wednesday, December 13th at the Bradford County Housing Authority’s Christmas Party. “This was a great night of celebrating,” said Executive Director Kelley Cevette. “This party…
A Fresh New Look for Power Pack!
The Tioga/Bradford Housing Authority has been awarded a Foster Summer Youth Program Grant from the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. This grant will allow the Service Coordinator program to continue to provide the Power Pack Backpack program throughout the summer months.