Trick or Treat!
Tenants at McCallum Manor in Canton enjoyed a fun filled day with costumes and treats to ring in the Fall Season!
Tenants at McCallum Manor in Canton enjoyed a fun filled day with costumes and treats to ring in the Fall Season!
Tenants at Park Hill Manor and Pinnacle Towers in Wellsboro, PA enjoyed great conversation and a picnic style lunch. Everyone had a wonderful time!
Photo features Bradford County Commissioner, Ed Bustin cutting a “Welcome Cake” in celebration of the Housing Authority’s new Central Office building as Executive Director, Kelley Cevette looks on. Tuesday, September 25, 2018, the Tioga/Bradford County Housing Authority hosted an…
Tenants at Colonial Towers and Colonial Terrace enjoyed a day of Summer Picnic Fun! Hot dogs, macaroni and potato salad, chips, watermelon, assorted brownies, cookies and soda was enjoyed by all.They also enjoyed playing games of summer bingo and winning…
Children that participated in the Summer Kicks program were awarded new sneakers by Resident Service Coordinator Crystal Barnard. Congratulations to all that participated! Supplies were also handed out to the kids in preparation for going back to school.
Crystal Barnard, Tioga County Resident Service Coordinator for TBHRA, presented a gift basket with a Pet Theme to a group of tenants who are participating in the Relay For Life Walk to be held July 14, 2018 on The Green…
Staff from the Tioga Bradford Housing Authority were on site to hand out information and giveaways at the 43rd Annual Sr Picnic held in Troy, PA at the Alparon Park. The theme of 'The Good Old Days' turned out a…
Do you love to read? If you are school-aged between 5 and 18, live at Tabor Townhouses, Wapiti Apartments, Hillview Apartments, Nelson Family, Lawrenceville Family, or Canton Townhouses, check out the Summer Reading Program!
Penn State Healthy Eating Lab gave a SNAPed program to family residents at Forestview Manor.
Twenty kids enjoyed an egg hunt and Easter Celebration. Door prizes were given out along with Easter baskets and a spring themed toy.