February 13, 2024 Office Opening
Please be advised, due to the snow storm, we may not be open promptly at 8:00AM. Thank you for your patience.
Please be advised, due to the snow storm, we may not be open promptly at 8:00AM. Thank you for your patience.
The Tioga Bradford County Housing Authority Board of Directors' Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January, 24 2024 in the Mansfield office at 8:00am. Join on your computer or mobile app device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID:…
All Housing Authority offices will be closed on Monday, December 25th, 2023 The Mansfield office will be closed on Tuesday, December 26, 2023. For any maintenance emergencies in the buildings, tenants should call their Maintenance On-Call number.
The Tioga/Bradford County Housing Authority Board of Directors meeting will be held at 8:00am on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 in the Mansfield office located at 112 Dorsett Heights. Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to…
Recently our Agency was fortunate enough to have on-site training from UPMC (thanks Jennifer & Devon!) to better help our staff understand dementia. We learned about the different types of dementia, signs & symptoms of dementia, techniques for better communication…
The September 2023 TBHRA Board Meeting will be held at 8:00am in the Mansfield Office on Tuesday, September 26th. To Join the Meeting via Teams use the link below: Click Here to Join the Meeting Meeting ID: 263 119 847…
Now, twice a year the Housing Authority will be sending out its Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) Newsletter to participating Landlords. The Newsletter will have tips on working with the Housing Choice Voucher Program, helpful resources, regulatory updates and more! …
The Sherwood Manor (Mansfield) was thrilled to host Jennifer Johnson and UPMC's Mobile Health Testing Team for a "parking lot party". Not only did tenants (and staff!) enjoy food, music, games and a "smoothie bike" but they were able to…